Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Greenhouse Effect Songs / Top Web Songs 2008 "Irie Bob" - Clarke Higgins Music Bmi Publishing 2007.

2,376,591 Views - LOS ANGELES. Greenhouse Effect have come roaring back in 2008 and 2009 to crushing views and downloads on the internet, Top chart success at Myspace and Youtube, "Other countries" explosive plays of their Mega Hit single BRANDY, A 1000 $ Dollar payday "side stage" offer to play California's Coachella Festival, and top rotation at JANGO RADIO ! NEEDLESS TO SAY, its been quite a year for the pinnacle three piece 'trio' band that "Started it all". "We are and were THE musical revolution of the 1980's and 90's" says Clark Hagins in November 2009. "With so many people now knowing about me and my music, learning about Phil Keegan, and Great People Like Jeff Snow at Rock City Productions in Massachusetts,..and so curious about all of our web tactics and Jango Radio,....its great,...we have everything in place EXCEPT for the major airplay at FM RADIO in America,.....AND we'll get THAT next" says Hagins. Hagins gushes about a hopeful upcoming "reality show" about him and his music plus his swimming pool cleaning possibly on Halogen Tv airing in 2010. "My surfer nephew has a show called "Wave Hunters" that is gunning onto airplay with Halogen,..there may just be a G.e. thing in the works soon,..although millions of people have seen me so much,....I'm alot like Dave Grohl from Foo Fighters,...theres a hella lotta people that are sick and tired of me,...but fortunately for me,..i got this nerdy Weezer Rivers Cuomo type of thing where G.e. is so "lovable" ,..we're like Woody Allens,..they love us in France and Japan,....We got geekey guys in the band like Ted,....even Palle too,..we are charmers,...I hope people will tune into my tv show soon,..I hope they're not too sick of me and Brandy n all" Hagins speaks fondly of a recent rehearsal where he and new drummer/ Surfer Hagan Kelley rocked in San Diego's North County's Goblen rehearsal studio. "Its kinda sad because years ago, Goblin burned to the ground and their guy Darren - who is just such a terrific great guy,..he really struggled to get Goblen studios going again so we bands can play there,....We bands NEED a place to play,..to jam,..it means alot to groups that are struggling too these days,...but me and Hagan pulled off a great show,...We did play Brandy pretty tight,....I don't think we were quite ready to play that Coachella thing last summer but Hagan suggested that we just go there and play the whole ENTIRE gig in our underware, smashing all our gear,..and I was like 'but dude,..we don't HAVE any gear,..we would be smashing someone elses' gear (Laughs)" Darren from Goblen often "loans" Hagins and other bands musical gear to jam with for a small fee,...."Maybe if Darren loaned me the absolute crappiest guitar I could smash it at a concert and he might not mind (Laughs) " adds Hagins Hagan Kelley's surf program documents his trips to Mexico and maybe Fiji where he surfs waves, hunts for "Art chicks" and listens to "Gone" old tapes by Greg Ginn from Black Flag. "Hagan's show "Wave Hunters" is gonna be part of Josh Shipp's Jump Shipp I think" says Hagins.... Meanwhile in the U.S. , G.E. continues to rack up astounding numbers in cyberspace as the "World's biggest internet rock band" feeding off their song Brandy mainly and footage of historic G.e. concerts back in the South Bay of Redondo beach California like the Show at the Hermosa Saloon on August 16, 1991 ,..where G.e. appeared to be 'copying' the look, style, sound, and demanor of Seattle band Nirvana - Ofcourse at the time, there was no Huge Nirvana known as their "Smells like teen spirit" video and "Nevermind" album had yet to be released and heard of.." Our band was so innovative" says Hagins "For years , i tried and tried to convince all the major labels to sign us and i begged them that 'grunge' rock was gonna be the next big thing - this is very common knowledge in the South Bay,....everybody THOUGHT that I was crazy and insane,..they said that 'alternative music' was never gonna make it ,..and that it was subject only to the 'bargain bins' at record stores,..well, I fought like hell,..not just for me,..but for ALL EMO BANDS,....WE WANTED TO DESTROY heavy metal and bands like Skid Row and Def Leppard,..it was a tough tall order,....when i suddenly saw Nirvana going off huge,..i was a little stunned,...I mean i was a little happy to see that my ideas could work in the big time of the main stream,...but then I began to get bitter and angry and i wondered how it was,...how was it possible that G.e. of all bands ,..still couldn't get signed,...even with our song BRANDY in 1992,..it really bummed me,..out,..it made me give up and quit ,..by late 92' ,..I was over,..G.E. WAS OVER !! Our bassist Ted had quit and went and joined a punk rock band called the One handed Readers in Redondo,.....me and Palle Carlson tried to keep G.e. alive ,..but then he went back to Denmark,..man,..it was sad,..things were falling apart fast,....then, I saw all those bands like Weezer and Green day in '94,..THATS when i knew it was really over for me,..and i was only 29 ,..back then,..but in those days,..THAT was considered old !! In the South Bay,.... Hagins began the live part of his musical career jamming with bands like Palos Verdes demo project "The Cloud Chamber" before moving on to jam with fellow Redondo guitar rocker Steve "Stevo" Stepanian - where Hagins played drums before jamming with a multitude myriad of different South Bay punk bands, among them B.P.S. (beats per second) and "Outlash Control" before settling in as permenant fill in drummer for the Jim Mellon Quartet and the CVB (Christine Valley Band) with Joe Groovey dude and John Hall from Youngstown Ohio and many drunken nights at the Hermosa Saloon where huge loud blues gigs were often "Led" by Hagins - from the drum kit. "Its funny,..in the South Bay, I had just like this HUGE reputation as a drummer - but NOW most of the world knows me as a guitarist (Laughs)" says Hagins in November 2009. "Brandy" has turned Hagins into an overnight success and more than a household internet word ,..where millions of plays and downloads ,..many often 'originating' in the South Bay before spreading all across the country and the world "My dad was like this heroic school teacher at Palos Verdes High School,..he was Gary Hagins Teacher and his students really loved him and his dark sense of humor,...they rallied around HIM and now today, from all across the United States,..they rally around ME - I AM THE SON OF GARY HAGINS,..SCHOOL TEACHER ,..THATS LIKE BEING THE SON OF JESUS OR WAYNE GRETZKY IN CANADA,....'THATS' HOW MUCH HIS FORMER STUDENTS LOVE MY DAD !!,...I LOVE MY DAD - He's such a great genius thinker,...he writes great books,..he would have been a great blogger in cyberspace,....my dad has cancer right now,..he is very sick,..and 80 years old,....but he is still very sharp of mind,..he recently had a heart attack and stroke,...i will do every thing in my power and all i can to make sure 'all' of my dad's great books get published - I KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO BE GOOD - BUT GOOD IN THAT GRAY AREA WAY - where people don't really understand you,..My dad is GREAT LIKE THAT - HE IS A GENIUS !! I'M GONNA SEE TO IT THAT ALL OF HIS WORKS BECOME FAMOUS AND PUBLISHED !!! Its in our Family DNA to create Great Art.... HAGINS credits many nights of rehearsals and gigs at places like the Hermosa Saloon in giving him the confidence to play rock n roll music..."I was NOT always a nice sweet friendly guy to people,..but i could be very cool and kind too at times if given a chance..,..All that they try to say about me is not true,..its a big misunderstanding usually ,..I was just fighting to get to the top - THE TOP OF ROCK N ROLL AND GRUNGE ALTERNATIVE MUSIC,..Very determined....ITS A BUMMER THAT I COULDN'T have made it and hit the big time back in 1991 or 92" says Hagins "but this is how God wants it,..I'll just have to rock out now - for the world - at age 44,..and I will help bands like the Spongetones and Batlord along the way !! ======================== Hagins says that he "has to blog" and thoroughly enjoys writing - even more than music "Its like sex being a blogger" says Hagins "especially when yer one of the world's most known,..its nice to know that people read my shit" - "My dad was and is a Great writer,...and writing is difficult,..you have to organize and remember a lotta stuff ,..like as if you yourself are a computer,...it takes a ton of patients and passion,...its difficult and tough,..but 'IF' you enjoy it,..THAT makes it all fun and worthwhile,....I just wish I could get paid for this shit (Laughs)...." =================== Hagins says he didn't always get along or have the greatest relationship with his dad "I don't worry about that old shit now to the point of it killing me,...people on youtube come on there and they say nice things and they try to help me,..its been a struggle,..my dad did what he had to do and he was tired from teaching all day,..he still managed to devote time to his Church and his followers,..and i am ONE OF THEM !!...He fed me food,....and he put a roof over my head"Posted by SuperNetCelebritiesCom1
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