Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Clark Haggins Music / Blogging / Poetry / Songs / World's Most Watched Videos / Well-Read Writings. Greenhouse-Effect SONGS 2007.

321,816 Views - Clark Hagins; "I "AM" Rock N Roll !!" He declares and he doesn't care what People think or People write About him; "We are the pure entertainment of the web,...We're all the "real" rock that is Left !!,...the type of rock that celebrates the melody of the 1960's and 70's ,..the Art and passion of 'those' times,....the heart and soul in music like Jim Croce, John Denver, and Harry Nilsson; "The web celebrates us and all I gotta do is check my Google traffic counter everyday,..and it always gives me the confidence that alotta' people watch us and alotta people dig our fucking shit,...We are loved by lots of folks out there all around the World !!" Greenhouse Effect revel in their glorious Web Traffic, other Bands and Home Video makers clamor to link to G.e. or be "associated" with their Videos - in hopes of accomplishing their very own web traffic dreams but Haggins says that Lame websites Like Youtube "Make things hard on everybody ,..EVERYBODY,....including G.e. !!" - "Youtube won't think twice about Deleting your account over absolutely nothing or even the slightest infraction,....and they are often wrong" States Higgins; "They will delete whole accounts by even G.e. ,..so that tells you all you need to know,...they will delete anybody,....they make you pay for traffic,..and they hype up Lame things with phoney hits and fake traffic stats,.....they just exist to promote Lady Ga Ga and Justin Beiber and Liberalism,....they are just tryin' to make yer kid dumb,.....their goal is just chaos ,....pure nonsense,...they're just mindless entertainment,.....but G.e. is all about "Mindful" entertainment,...we are fun and funny to look at,....we make people laugh ,..but we are also informative and good quality,...we are talent that people like to watch - and Link to !! Best of all" Millions of People around the Planet each day 'need' to get their daily G.e. fix and Haggans is only so too happy to be the provider; "Because of Me and G.e,..the internet is more fun,...Bands want to be 'like us',...People want to email me,....People see all of our ads at Facebook, Myspace, and Google,....Our web traffic now drives itself,..like a machine,...and most days with absolutely ZERO advertising." The angry picture of Haggans flipping the camera the bird seems to rub against Haggins own strict policies of being a 'strict Christian" Musician who "Never Misses Sunday Mass" all the while constantly dropping F-Bombs all the way; - "I think it's fun all the contridictions with me,..I am a fair representation of our entire world,...I am like a tiny little tortured country ,..a gene pool sample gone mad,...I tell it like it is and i ain't no saint and I'm not perfect and 'thats' what makes G.e. so durable !!,....People love it and they love to watch me,...fans like Our band,....but we technically "are" actually a really good band,..we're not a gimmick." Greenhouse Effect (G.e) play a heavy and melodic form of music ,..but they are "Not" metal or punk or even emo or alternative per say,....rather, they are a whole entire "new" sound,....an anamoly of the Net. "The way that Harry Nilsson moved his sound around and he could go from a song Like "Together" to a song like "Without You" or "Jump into the Fire",..'thats' how G.e. is,..and thats how i always wanted us to be,..we are no category,..we are part of NO IDENTITY ,....WE ARE JUST OURSELVES - WHAT-EVER THAT IS (Laughs)." Haggins says in 2008 that he doesn't mind saying of himself that he "Is" Rock n Roll; "To millions of people who watch me and my band,..our old school style is all there is that is left from the 70's and the old days of Zeppelin and the Who,....we sound like true classic rock,...and I hate all that shit from today,...I think it fucking sucks." - Today, Haggins finds himself anonymous as he cleans swimming pools, bearded, and over 200 pounds with a massive girth of a stomach gut and "Mr. South Bay" started his musical journey long ago in Redondo Beach California, recorded heavily guitar distorted "demos" at his home in Torrance's Hollywood Riviera and today, many in the community now revere his music as the town's Greatness as he basically "invented grunge rock" Long long before there was a thing called Nirvana; "People see all my ads all over the web,....they see all the traffic that we get,....they try to play live shows and write songs,....but nobody can keep up with me,....nobody can keep up with G.e. now because we are like a cyberspace machine,....I couldn't stop us now even if i desperately wanted to,...our web traffic feeds back into itself now,....and every band wants to copy and paste my shit and put their band with it ,..or their web junk that they sell with MLM MARKETING,....on the internet,...Greenhouse Effect "is it !!!" - Hagins also uses web savy tricks that "Guarantee Traffic" just incase he starts in on a bad week; "Things like the Zeus 1000 Robot can make me money,..if I need some,....I do ok on here though" Says Higgins. HAGINS says that he "Makes enough money" on the web to "buy food at Ralphs and Vons and eat at Taco bell in Carlsbad California as he cleans swimming pools; "People think that I'm rich and that I'm this millionaire off of G.e. (Laughs),...I WISH ,...I REALLY WISH" says Haggins for Rock City Boston. "Not many people recognize me out driving in traffic anymore,..I'm getting very old now and I don't look like that cute dude in G.e. anymore who was 25 (Laughs),....I'm an old fart now,......but I can still fucking rock BETTER THAN ANYBODY" States Higgins. Jeff Snowe of Rock City Productions "Discovered" the talents of Haggins and G.e. Long ago in 1988 and calls Haggins; "Los Angeles' BEST SONGWRITER BAR NONE" - " I really appreciate Jeff Snow and all he has done for our band,....he gives us the confidence to make things fun, get controversial, and to be egotistical,.....He hypes us up and really makes us believe in G.e. ,....he is like the ultimate Positive drill sargeant !!" Haggins says that he can only "Hope" that the Good Lord will forgive him for his Ego and his Vulgarity; "All that I ever wanted to do was entertain people and make them smile and Laugh - or cry and feel good,... it does make me feel bad sometimes,..all of this,...but Rock n roll 'must' go on,....and I am Rock n Roll ,...everything must be this way ." Haggins says that he is critically "Addicted" to writing; "I love to blog and I can't possibly stop,....I am certain that I need some kind of anti-writing therapy drug (Laughs)" Says Higgins. "My Dad was Gary B. Hagins - the School Teacher from Palos Verdes High School - Yeah that One ! ,...and He was the Greatest writer that I have ever read,.... He was always so thorough and descriptive complete,....I know that I can never be as Good and as talented as him,... He was a Genius ,.... My Dad was a rare Pure Genius... He watches over and protects me ,... from all evil " Haggins doesn't mince words that some of his main blogs are amongst the best on the Net; "People read my words as much - or even more - than they listen to G.e. ,.... No one has the heart to go up against me ,..or to challenge me,... they 'know' that I've been through too much ,... and that I 'know" too much..." - "Coke Snorting" is One of Haggins' favorite G.e Songs; "I love the video for "Coke",....I love Flipper's guitar sound ,..and i love the way my drums came out,...and I love Bill Krodel for mixing it so precisely and good ,....God Bless him..." HAGINS says that his memories of growing up long ago and watching HR Puff N Stuff and "Land Of the Lost" at 251 in Torrance and the South Bay fuel his hunger for keeping his G.e. Flock fed of their daily Supply of G.e. ; "When ever I hear Harry Nilsson's 'Without you',...thats when I remember what this is really all about." Says Haggins. 

Greenhouse Effect Songs; RIPPING REASON Greenhouse Myspace
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