Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Greenhouse-Effect_Lyrics_2010 - "The Robot"

"The Robot"

A Works By Clark Hagins   /  c2010 (September)

Face it

You're a Robot
A Heartless Ghoul
and with no art
and You're boring
even worse
You paint yourself with tattoos
but its no use
You're mechanical
and shallow
You're one dumb pallow
Soft to the core
but in your mind an elite store
who can only sell peace
but whos' buying ??
Cause you're not really trying
you just wanna prove that the real actual smart
are really so bad and unfair and mean 
cause its you
who is so pristine
and supposedly
you've been through it all
and ran the gamut
but thats bullshit
You ain't been through spit
and you suck on burch
You don't even go to church
What the fuck Do You know ?
And what do you show ?
Not much
Same old thing
round and round
a Clown
you simply are
who copies what he sees
monkee see
monkey do
in a lame culture
where the choices of thefts are small and obvious
It'd be a plainly better world
without you
Your lame
with no shame
and yet
you play games
You raid people's medicine cabinets
when they're not home
and then you cry
how you're so alone
and its only guys like me
that can really cry
'cause we only know try
and pay all the bills
while you seek thrills
on someone else's dime
you enjoy crime
and you vote for bozos
who will keep you afloat
You knowingly know
and hidden
but you can't hide from God
or Satan
you took the bate and
then you finally called
one day
and told me I'm great
but it's too late
you spent your life
thinking how smart you are
and beating people up
and putting others down
and your flock knows you can't love
cause niether can they
and robots you all
Round and round
the same mundane thing
and thank God it's that way
So you can celebrate
and continue your hate
of those actually
better than you
and more creative
and less boring too
You never bothered to read
yet you know it all
you believe in the tall
and good looking
while you
curse the small
You do what Hollywood sells
and Masturbation
face it
You're a robot
pathetic and unfree
and you think that you write
such brilliant poetry
but it can't protect you
only you can erect you
as you hound the truly skilled
and mock the really smart
all that comes out of your filthy mouth
and soiled little brain
are feeble little farts
Your chains rattle
and all can see them
You are boring and mediocre
but you think you're a funny joker
and God sees that you're not
for its true
You're merely
a robot
a piece of plastic and metal
a mechanical machine
in a matrix of you're own
no art or skill
in your heart
no love in your soul
no tears in your juice
yet you still reproduce
and at night
you're on the loose
when in my society
You'd be locked up
where you belong
where you can't hold the real true talented and skilled down
You fucking worthless
and useless whore
You'd be the one mowing the lawns
where you belong
Not me
'really should be
a Robot
you see
And to you
stupid and stoned
is a badge of honor
and even courage
the den of thieves
and a failed polygraph
And forget a paragraph
or a real conversation
of substance
for you can barely even utter 
a sentence
You've been watchin' too much Colbert and Stewert
and sucking on weed like a flea sucks on blood
but you don't bleed
'cause you don't believe
Been watchin'
too much Tv
and spinnin' too much rap at high blast
looking for that next
piece of fucking ass
out in your flash car
that you can't afford
and you'll fight like mad
when they
to repossess
Yes, can't even cry
and if you do, Your tears aren't even real
you rehearsed them too
like everything else
either that
or rat a tat tat
You don't even know why you cry
much less how
and you just really
want to die
and you celebrate impossible and insane
yeah, to You thats really cool
and you don't know
You're a fool
even if it finally bites you
nothing rights you
but I'm writing you
and how
and its good guys like me
who absorb all the real pain
and art
and we will see
to it
,...that You do

in the end...

its people like you that killed music and art
and now you want Jesus too
well you can't fucking have that
I say to you in such fright

and to all a Good Night !!

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